Tag Archives: preparation

Essay Improvements

18 Oct

1. Spell check and proof-read grammar

2. Be more concise in paraphrasing my research

3. Making sure I’ve introduced my sources in my esssay

4. Making sure my discussion/analysis sufficiently relates to my thesis

3 Sources

18 Oct

1. BakeSpace launches mentor program for home chefs: creates new recipe for food social networking: about a social networking site dedicated to food and cooking,thrived on social aspects of food. It’s proof that even now in the 21st century old social food traditions can still be kept alive and there is an audience for it.

2. The Italian Way: Food & Social Life: A book by Douglas Harper and and Patrizia Faccioli that examined how food defined and shaped Italian culture and society. The fact that food is such a large part of Italian culture and society is proof of the social power food has, and that fact that someone could conduct a social experiment about how Italian food is prepared and how it relates to a certain culture is proof as well.

3.  “Does meal duration predict amount consumed in lone diners? An evaluation of the time-extension hypothesis.”: a study published by Gary Wittert about whether the presence of people increases the amount of food eaten or merely just being in the restaurant longer. The conclusion of the study states that people spend longer amounts of time eating while others are around because social needs are being met.